We are aware of the difficulty that young agronomy graduates may have in finding their first work experience. True to our vision of innovation, our team worked to find an effective solution to break this cycle.

Our “Graduate Program” offers the opportunity for young graduates from agronomy training schools to acquire a first professional experience, while developing skills that will be useful to them throughout their professional career.
This program is positioned between academic training and the professional world and gives learners the foundations for successful professional integration. Our graduates can thus more easily integrate into companies and respond effectively to the expectations of their employers.
Read our latest publication:
"Breaking the gap between professional training and the needs of agricultural businesses in Cameroon."
This 12-week immersion program combines learning by doing, coaching and mentoring, in a stimulating professional environment. Our learners thus have the opportunity to express their know-how on real projects, while learning the basics of professional and career development.
This allows them to develop key skills sought by employers. This includes leadership, autonomy, creativity, proactivity, effective communication, teamwork, remote work.

"En plus de me permettre de mieux comprendre le métier d'agronome, ce stage m'a aidé à élargir mes perspectives professionnelles et à réorienter le cours de ma carrière"
"This program really catalysed me on several fronts, both in terms of virtual work and personal development, and even professional integration, so much so that I got a job some time after the internship"
"Cette expérience enrichissante m'a permise de développer des compétences qui m'ont permis de mieux m'intégrer dans mon poste actuel et de poser des bases solides pour ma future carrière"
Who is the program for?
This program is open to recent graduates (less than 3 years ideally) in agronomy, with or without professional experience.
What will you need?
The internship is carried out remotely, thus allowing better geographical inclusion of candidates from the four corners of the country. You will therefore need a laptop, a smartphone, and a good internet connection. Please note that we receive a lot of requests and the number of places is limited. So you must distinguish yourself by your dynamism and your willingness to learn. Female applicants are encouraged.
How and when to apply?
We regularly recruit for new cohorts. Visit our careers page and follow us on social media to stay informed. You can also send us a spontaneous application, including your CV and cover letter to Please specify in the subject line: “Applicant for the Graduate Program”.